Make Music Chattanooga

Make Music Day Chattanooga


Make Music Day Chattanooga is a city-wide music festival where every street corner, park, and space becomes a stage. From live concerts, to jam sessions and workshops, this day brings us together to celebrate the power and vibrancy of our city’s music scene through:

Fostering Connections: Facilitating connections and collaborations between musicians, artists, venues, and community organizations

Celebrating local talent: Providing a platform for local musicians, bands, and performers to showcase their talent and creativity.

Promoting cultural diversity: Embracing and celebrate the diverse musical styles, genres, and traditions present in Chattanooga’s music scene.

Supporting music education: Offering opportunities for music education and skill-building through workshops, jam sessions, and interactive activities.


Are you a musician, performer, venue owner, educator, or simply someone who loves music? We invite you to be a part of Make Music Day Chattanooga! There are countless ways to get involved, from hosting an event to performing live music, leading workshops, or simply attending and enjoying the festivities. Everyone is welcome to join the celebration and share their love of music with the community.

Register here as a performer or venue for Friday, June 21st, 2024.


Help us spread the word and make Make Music Day Chattanooga a success! Share our event with your friends, family, and community networks on social media. Use the hashtag #MakeMusicCHA to join the conversation and let everyone know about this exciting celebration of music in our city. Encourage local businesses, schools, and organizations to participate and promote the event to their networks.


2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st



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