The Australian Music Association founded Australia’s first nationwide Make Music Day celebration in 2018. In 2023, Make Music Australia marked its sixth year with musical events nationwide, including a “SuperBand” of 200 students from the Orange Regional Conservatorium in New South Wales performing individually and together, a Sunshine Coast Acoustic Music Jam in Queensland, brass bands, orchestras, and a Gentlemen’s Choir in East Gippsland, Victoria, and performances throughout the town centers of Five Dock and Rhodes in the City of Canada Bay, among many other events.

Make Music Day was celebrated in more than 100 Brazilian cities in 2023 with performances, workshops, and jam sessions, sponsored by the Brazilian music industry organization Anafima. Mestre Robson Miguel performed with a 200-member orchestra in his castle, Patrícia Shaki paid tribute to Rita Lee and Tina Turner, Sandro Haick hosted a Musical Playing Cards Workshop, and Selma Teixeira showcased her “Os Incríveis 60 Years Band” project. Ten Água Doce stores in Paraná had open stages, while the Municipal Government of Maringá and its Departments of Education and Culture programmed Make Music Day events in every one of the city’s 116 public schools.

Led by the China Musical Instruments Association, Make Music China grew to 15,000 events in 200 cities in 2023. Highlights included a grand opening ceremony in Huangqiao with an ensemble of thousands of musicians, a “Lang Lang Music Bus” on Shenzhen’s main bus lines in honor of the famous pianist, and 27 provinces feature performances with hundreds playing the Electronic Wind Instrument.

Germany’s Fête de la Musique is organized by local groups in 102 cities around the country, coordinated by a team at the MusikZentrum in Hannover. The country’s first Fête de la Musique, and still the largest, is the celebration in Berlin where 621 events took place in 2023. In a special unifying project last year, 19 German cities collaborated on a joint sing-along of Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” and the lullaby “Der Mond ist aufgegangen” at 7pm.

Italy’s Festa della Musica began in 1985, shortly after the founding of France’s Fête de la Musique, and became a national event in 1994. In the last few years it has grown enormously, encompassing 832 cities and 25,645 musical groups across the country in 2023.

Make Music Mexico thrived in 2023, with over 104 events across 10 states and 16 cities, in venues ranging from cafes to museums and even a baseball stadium in Torreón. Participating states include Mexico City, State of Mexico, Coahuila, Querétaro, Michoacán, Nuevo León, Puebla, Tamaulipas, Tabasco, and Zacatecas.

Music retailer Showgear organizes dozens of events around Lagos for Make Music Day each year, including a music business conference, pop-up worship music, “learn to DJ” classes, play-along drumming events, and a “Shutdown” concert finale with Nigerian superstars. Meanwhile, they have led the expansion of Make Music Day to five other cities around the country (Abuja, Ibadan, Ife, Owerri, and Uyo).

Since 2013, Make Music Day has flourished in Lviv, Ukraine, with over 100 musical groups each year, amateurs and professionals, performing on June 21 in a wide variety of outdoor locations throughout the city — and sometimes beyond, reaching the cities of Ternopil and Odessa. Despite Russia’s invasion in 2022, Make Music Day has continued in Lviv, uninterrupted and stronger than ever.

United Kingdom
Established by the UK nonprofits Music For All and Making Music, Make Music Day UK became an independent organization for the first time in 2022. In 2023 they coordinated 36,743 performers at 450 events on June 21, 2023 ranging from large scale singing events for children to a 24 hour Bach-a-thon.