Check Out 2022’s Recap Video
Make Music Marshfield is an annual one-day citywide, free, outdoor day of music held on the summer solstice, June 21.
2024 is Marshfield’s fifth year in the international summer solstice music celebration, and we join over 1000 communities around the world in kicking off summer by filling the city with music. We want to encourage all people, of all musical abilities, to celebrate the joy of making music. Make Music Marshfield will turn backyards, front porches, and more into a stage, and offer a full spectrum of performers the opportunity to display their musical skills.
What is Make Music Marshfield?
Make Music Marshfield is: Performed by Anyone, Enjoyed by Everyone
A way for all of Marshfield to celebrate the summer solstice, enjoying the longest day of the year, while sampling a buffet of musical merriment.
A DIY city-wide celebration when almost any way to make music can and will happen.
Make Music Marshfield is open to music makers of all ages, skill levels, and musical persuasions.
When will Make Music Marshfield take place?
Make Music Marshfield will take place on the summer solstice, Friday, June 21, 2024.
10:00 am-10:00pm
How do I register as an artist?
If you are an artist looking to register for Make Music Marshfield, click this http://marshfield.makemusicday.org and you will be taken to our registration platform. Be sure to register your ‘front porch’ music events to be included in the publicity. We are all in this together!
(If you have problems registering, please email 1 or 2 sentences to: marshfield@makemusicday.org and we’ll get back to you soon!)
*Follow us on Facebook @MakeMusicDayMarshfield
* Tag your posts with #makemusicmarshfield #makemusicday
For the list of events visit https://marshfield.makemusicday.org/performances
All Make Music Concerts are Free and Open to the public.
Schedule your own concert or watch local musicians perform live in the community at your favorite locations.
How to Make Music on June 21st
Using our matchmaking software register your event by clicking the link below.
How to Register as a Venue
- Create an account by filling in your contact information and accepting the Terms and Conditions
- Select Performer or Venue
- Select Venue Seeking Performers
- Add venue name, type, description, rain plan, and social media links
- Add your location details and online options
- Add preferred genres, the electricity/PA you can provide, and notes for performers
- Indicate your availability to host performers, confirm email, and complete profile
How to Register as a Performer
- Create an account by filling in your contact information and accepting the Terms and Conditions
- Select Performer or Venue
- Select Performer Seeking Venue
- Add name, genres, neighborhood, bio, image, and links
- Indicate your availability to perform using the sliders on the timeline
- Select electricity/ PA needs
- Confirm your account, and complete profile
How to Register an Event
- Create an account by filling in your contact information and accepting the Terms and Conditions
- Select List My Event
- Add venue information name, venue type, rain plan, and description
- Add location neighborhood, address, and electricity use
- Add performer or event name, genre, description, links, and image
- Indicate your performance or event time using the sliders on the timeline
- Confirm your account, and complete profile
Helpful Video
Who can play for Make Music Marshfield? You guessed it: everyone!
Join with others or perform on your own or give your kids their first experience performing music for others! Everyone, regardless of age, ability, or preferred musical style can participate. We encourage you to embrace your inner musician, share music freely with your peers, and celebrate the rich musical diversity of your communities all day on June 21st.
Where can performances take place? You guessed it: Everywhere!
Whether you have a restaurant, a storefront sidewalk or parking lot, or just a spacious front garden, any location can host a performance or participatory event as long as it’s free and accessible to the public. Make Music Marshfield is a unique way to activate your space, engage your community, and inspire anyone and everyone to discover the joy of making music.
You can register in our scheduling system, browse artists and request performances.
If you have questions, email us at marshfield@makemusicday.org
2025 Listings: Saturday, June 21st
Thank you for all of your support!
This event wouldn’t be possible without you! Musicians and music enthusiasts are what keep this event alive.
All concerts are free, but donations are welcome to support our Marshfield “Make Music Day”. Contact marshfield@makemusicday.org
Marshfield is a member of the Make Music Alliance! See their website to learn more about this group!
2024 Sponsors

Email marshfield@makemusicday.org
Call: 715-389-8999