Ben Morss
Ok, Ben’s a classically trained pianist with a doctorate in music composition. But he’s also spent lots of time playing in obscure, arty punk and indie rock bands. He did also play with bands like Cake and Wheatus, and his indie pop band, Onward Chariots, toured Europe twice and placed a song on British TV. His piano playing was used in the movies Sidewalks of New York and L.I.E. He’s also written musicals about activists and Steve Jobs, not to mention two based on the Angelina Ballerina TV show. He even arranged the music for the stage version of Trey Parker's Cannibal! The Musical. These days, Ben records with Ancient Babies for NJ label Mint 400 Records, and he writes pop song analyses and records videos for Rock Theory and Soundfly.
Performances on Make Music Day
1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Watchung Plaza
Watchung Plaza Montclair