What is Make Music Norwalk?
Make Music Norwalk is a part of the international Make Music Day movement which brings free, community-wide, outdoor musical celebrations to hundreds of cities worldwide! Every year, the celebration is held on June 21, the summer solstice, in more than 1000 communities around the world.
Everyone is invited to participate in this international day of music by performing, providing an outdoor space, appreciating, or volunteering, either in person or online. It’s all for the love of music!
Make Music Norwalk is brought to you by local volunteers as part of our mission to generate attention for Norwalk’s vibrant arts community with the support of the Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of the Arts, which also receives support from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. We hope to inform, entertain and inspire those who appreciate and create art in all its genres.
Please click here to register or contact us at norwalk@makemusicday.org

Interested in performing during Make Music Norwalk? Musicians of all abilities and genres are invited to showcase their talent and share their love of music!
The event is an all-ages, all-inclusive celebration of music. Register to be a performer by creating a profile, browse available venues and make an offer to perform in a Ridgefield location. The venue will confirm your request. Venues may reach out to you directly once you have created a profile. There is no fee to participate.
Make Music Norwalk wouldn’t be possible without venues to host musicians. Venues can be in front of stores and restaurants, front porches, parks, schools, and more.
Venues must be located outside and accessible to the general public without an entry fee. Register to be a venue, browse musician profiles and request a performer you’d like at your location. Musicians may reach out to you directly once you have created a profile.
How to Make Music on June 21st
Using our matchmaking software, venues and musicians can register, create profiles and find a match for their Make Music Norwalk performance.
Create your profile and register here!
Both venues and musicians will be included in marketing and promotional materials.

2025 Listings: Saturday, June 21st
What is Make Music Norwalk?
Completely different from a typical music event, Make Music Norwalk is open to anyone who wants to take part. On June 21, every kind of musician — young and old, amateur and professional, of every musical genre — shares their music with friends, neighbors, and strangers. Thousands of amateur musicians take the opportunity to play in public spaces. Professional musicians perform for new audiences, who come out from under their headphones to hear unfamiliar groups. Everyone is invited to sing along and enjoy the first day of summer.
Who can participate?
Anyone and everyone! Amateurs, part-time professionals, and established artists are all welcome.
Is this an annual event?
Yes, Make Music Norwalk will take place every Summer Solstice, June 21st.
Who puts this all together?
Norwalk’s Make Music Day celebration is completely run with generous support from volunteers. We invite you to help recruit musicians and venues and welcome anyone who would like to volunteer to help out with the event!
How can I get involved?
Everyone is welcome to promote the day and all the events from now to June 21. On Make Music Day, we invite you to join an event, host an event and definitely post pictures and videos from events. If you would like some more information, feel free to email us at norwalk@makemusicday.org.
Musicians & Venues
I’m a MUSICIAN and want to play in Make Music Norwalk. What do I do?
Wonderful! If you are a musician and would like to perform on June 21 as part of Make Music Norwalk, please click here to sign up and get started. You can create an artist profile and use the matchmaking tool to make arrangements with locations. If you already have an event planned, please list your event!
As a MUSICIAN, what am I expected to bring on Make Music Day?
When you are making plans, remember that Make Music Norwalk is not a typical event, and most locations are not traditional music venues. Not every location will be able to provide power, and in most situations you — the artist — will be responsible for bringing your own equipment (such as amps, mics, and whatever else you need in addition to your instrument). We also encourage artists to coordinate and speak to venues they are interested in ahead of time!
I want to be a VENUE and HOST a Make Music Day Norwalk event. Where do I start?
Awesome! If you have an outdoor location where you’d like to host a concert (such as the patio at your building, office garden/plaza, etc.), you can create a venue profile for your location, and use the matchmaking tool to make arrangements with artists! Click here to sign up and get started!
As a VENUE, what do I need to supply as a host for an MMD Event?
If you are not in the habit of hosting live music, take a moment to think through the logistics — what kind of music makes sense for the space? Where will artists set up? What kind of sound equipment can you offer? How many hours of music makes sense for your location? What you decide to provide to artists is up to you; at a minimum, most locations provide access to electricity and a glass of water ? We also encourage locations to register their own artists — see below!
Can I register more than once? (ie you play in multiple bands or you have a few locations you’d like to host events at)
Absolutely! You are welcome to create multiple venue profiles if you would like to host concerts in more than one location. And, if you play in more than one ensemble, or are curating a show with multiple bands, you can create profiles for each one. Please create a separate profile for each location and each artist, so that each one can be officially matched in the system and included in our promotions.
What happens if I want to play at a location that is not listed?
That’s great! We encourage musicians to create their own performance locations, especially when they have an existing relationship with the space. Perhaps you’d like to perform on your stoop, in front of your office building, or outside the bar where you have a regular gig. In any case, make sure it’s OK with the location first, then log in, and list your event!
What happens if I want to host my friend’s band, but they aren’t listed on the site?
That’s great too! First, register the details of your location. Then either ask your friend to sign up their band, or do it for them — log in, click on the “My Artists” tab and fill in their information. Finally, match the artist and venue profiles together at the time of your choosing.
How do I organize a show with multiple artists? Or, what if I want to play on the same show as my friends?
Each artist should sign up separately — we need to have a unique musical description and web address for everyone. Then have each one match themselves to the same location, at different time slots. If the entire program has a particular theme or title, put that in the location’s description box.
Compensation, Cancellation, Merchandise, and Marketing
What happens if it rains?
If it does rain, concerts planned for sidewalks may take place inside a building lobby or storefront provided that it is okay with the space’s owner. During the matchmaking process, registered locations will indicate what they will do in case of rain.
Can I have my event indoors?
Yes, if the location allows.
Will musicians be paid to perform?
We are not able to pay musicians — nor do musicians pay us. Most musicians perform for free. But artists and venues are welcome to make any financial arrangements they wish, as long as the concerts are free and open to the public.
If Make Music Norwalk doesn’t pay musicians, what does it do?
Make Music Norwalk sets up the framework for your performance with the matchmaking tool on the website and promotes the day as well as all the events.
What will MMD Norwalk do to help promote my concert?
We list all events that have been created on the Make Music Norwalk website (with descriptions and artist websites). We will also promote to local press. At the same time, we are counting on musicians and locations to promote their own shows, in all the ways that they normally would — sending out emails, posting notices on websites, calling up all of their friends, etc.
What if my ensemble signs up now, and has to back out later?
If you do need to cancel, it is your responsibility to contact the location of your performance. Please let the location know about all program changes ASAP.
Can MMD performers sell merchandise or ask for donations?
Musicians are not allowed to solicit donations, nor can we provide the permits to allow vending at your event. We encourage musicians to pass out fliers to promote their upcoming shows and recordings, as well as ask listeners to sign up for their mailing list and generally promote themselves.
Can I charge admission for a Make Music Norwalk concert?
Can my concert be “invitation only”?
Get in touch with us at norwalk@makemusicday.org
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