Make Music Day

2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st

damian damian damian

Suckers for the adventure. We’re all chumps. All chumps for it. Damian wants to run past all the slow-moving cars into the bright future where he can compliment all the smart things each person has said, write them down and explain to you why it’s good. It’s a free world to compliment, pass out like flyers, stick on like tags all the things you approve, supply each person with the proper amount of support to bring back all sensation, provide in each person what is needed and then realize he has more, amazing how much more, saying things like, “I think those things are great kid. It truly was something you did.” Damian has written hundreds of books of poems and hands them out at his shows. He gave it all up for music. Then he gave up music for writing again. Still, sometimes, he plays his old songs.

Performances on Make Music Day

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