Make Music Day

2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st

Joseph Darcourt

Oneness Concert - Love & Light for All' is going to be at 6BC Botanical Garden this year. Join us for an enriching experience with beautiful live music and learn the 'Thank You Breathing Meditation' as we build a culture of prioritizing well-being. Joseph Darcourt, award-winning cellist, created the 'Oneness Concert - Love & Light for All' in 2019. His dedication to spreading 'Thank You Breathing Meditation' and Music for individual and collective well-being began when he created the 'M+M/Music and Meditation' workshop at just 11 years old. Joseph's 'M+M' initiatives deepen his love for inspiring and helping others, emphasizing mental and emotional well-being through self-care and connection. Join us for an enriching experience with beautiful live music and learn the 'Thank You Breathing Meditation' as we build a culture of prioritizing well-being and the world which we are a part of.

Performances on Make Music Day

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