May 31, 2018
Make Music Day Salem is rocking with 146 PERFORMERS and 33 VENUES signed up already before our deadline of June 7th! The growth of this event from 70 performers in our first year to 120 last year and now this year we’re on pace for over 150 performers is beyond our wildest dreams! But we could still use more financial assistance to make this event better each year.
Make Music Day Salem is a grassroots non-profit, all volunteer-based and fiscally sponsored organization through the Salem Foundation. Our goal is simple – to throw a free party filled with music for our entire community to celebrate the worldwide celebration known as Make Music Day on June 21st! Make Music Day Salem provides a forum for all music and all musicians of any age and skill level to be a star and share their talents, passion, and smiles.

Through the kindness of many local businesses, individuals and musicians, we have been able to raise a modest budget to make this event possible. Our volunteers work tirelessly throughout the year planning, preparing and coordinating Make Music Day merely because they all love music and the community of Salem and want to do something spectacular by organizing hundreds of free performances on one day of the year, June 21st.
The funds that we raise cover the necessary costs including city permits, licenses, insurance, software, professional sound experts, event-related rentals, power generators, staging, performance equipment, promotional materials, and outreach activities. All of this is necessary for putting on an event such as this throughout the city, however additional financial support can help make this event even better!
Ways that you can help – become one of our sponsors by looking at our sponsorship opportunities information at or contacting us
Alternatively, you can make a tax-deductible individual donation to Make Music Day Salem at…/t…/804656/Default.aspx. Any financial contribution is much appreciated.
If sponsorship or a financial donation is not possible, we also would love to have your time and talents to serve as a volunteer for the Make Music Day on Thursday, June 21st. A variety of shifts, tasks, jobs, and responsibilities are available and what better way to enjoy the music and people of the event. You can sign up to volunteer at…
We can’t wait for Make Music Day Salem on June 21st!
Photo by Ron Cooper from Make Music Day 2017