Make Music Wilmington

2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st

N.A.T.E. & Me (Megan Rose and Nate Gerry)

Heart Song Sound Bath (Description & Bios) Description: Dedicated time to allow vocal and instrumental sound frequencies to inundate cells with Source Love energy and create a safe space to allow hearts to open to Grace. Nate Gerry is a singer-songwriter whose music weaves together humor and heart. Inspired by Harry Nilsson, The Beatles, and Dave Matthews, Nathan seeks to capture the breadth of human experience and resiliency through catchy and introspective indie rock. Nate, his lyrics, melodies and delivery connect in the heart space for a transformative experience. Rev. Dr. Megan "Magpie" Rose, PharmD, B.Msc., RYT200 is a perpetual seeker of Source Love. It took her many years to find and give voice to her own heart song, and she now finds joy in being a vessel to hold space for others to find theirs. She currently shares her word, song, meditation, and asana practice at locations

Performances on Make Music Day

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