What are you waiting for? Just make music! Use our poster generator to promote your event (whether live or virtual), and use the hashtag #makemusicday when you share it. On June 21, pull out your instrument and start playing. Piece of cake.
Or join a participatory project where you can just bring your instrument – or yourself – and join in! Take a free live music lesson, play a song Live From Home, contribute to a Bedroom Studio, sing in the Heart Chant, or join one of this year’s many other featured national projects.
Just want to listen? Check out the schedule of events from around the country, and tune in to the Global Livestream all day on June 21 to experience Make Music Day from around the world, along with the #MySongIsYourSong performances.
(If your hometown is already a Make Music city, you’re in luck! Click on your city’s website to register with them, and see what else is happening near you.)